How to choose Wallpaper?
If you come to a wallpaper store or go online to buy wallpaper you will be surprised of a huge selection of different types of this product. That's why you may be easily overwhelmed and it may seem to be very difficult to choose the most suitable option for you.
There are a lot of properties and characteristics by which wallpaper can be classified, such as wallpaper base material, printing technique, wallcovering pattern, number of layers, type of application, washability etc.
Wallpaper Base
Under each of our product, we tried to give you the most exact info about each of wallpaper model but we also would like to give you a few useful tips which will help you find the product you need. Paper Base of wallpaper, for example, has many important advantages and it is environmentally friendly and breathable, but it is harder to work with it, then with the Non-woven based Wallpaper. Also, Paper-based Wallcoverings are very popular because of their low price and excellent quality.
The Non-Woven base gives you the ability to apply the paste directly to the wall which makes your wallpaper application the way easier. Also, Wallpaper on the Non-woven base is great for the rooms, buildings and places with high humidity, such as basements, restrooms, bathrooms, SPA's, swimming pool areas etc. So if you don't want your wallpaper to unstuck from your walls you should use Non-woven based wallpaper for those areas.
Wallpaper Coating
All materials that are applied to the base are classified as a coating. Our wallcoverings are produced using rotogravure printing technology which is considered to ensure the best product quality. We use only safe high-quality raw materials for wallpaper coatings – water-based inks, non-toxic latex, and plastisols from the best European manufacturers. Premium quality of these coatings provides our wallcoverings with a lot of advantages such as good color fastness to light, high wear resistance, washability and many others.
You will need to remember that Vinyl Wallpaper is the most durable wallpaper for nowadays. So if you will need to clean your walls often or you will cover your walls in a place with high humidity you should select Vinyl Wallpaper, otherwise, we cannot guarantee you that your wallpaper will last you a long time. Since Paper or Acrylic Wallpaper are not Washable. They can be cleaned with the soft, almost dry cloth with no pressure or scrubbing otherwise you can damage your wallpaper.
Paper and Acrylic Coated Wallpaper are great for places where they will not get dirty.
When selecting Vinyl Wallpaper you should keep in mind that thickness of the vinyl coating is the main thing that you should pay attention to: the thicker the vinyl layer is - the more durable is the surface of wallpaper.
Heavy-duty wallcoverings may be washed with a soft brush and alcohol- or alkaline-based detergents. They don’t get yellow with time and is more ultraviolet resistant, so your wallcoverings won’t fade and will look fresh during their entire lifetime.
What makes our Vinyl Wallcoverings so special? Our wallcoverings have micropores in the vinyl coating which let the walls breathe and facilitate moisture exchange. That's why they are preventing mold & mildew growth and are 100% safe to use in your house.
We ensure the stable high quality of our products, which is proven by numerous awards at different exhibitions and confirmed by people’s choices.
Our Wallcoverings are a really wonderful solution – environmentally friendly, premium high quality and what is also important, you can get them at a reasonable price.